1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Both, used to do more wrapping paper now I do more bags
2. Real tree or Artificial? I hate to say artificial now. But I LOVE real ones!
3. When do you put up the tree? usually the weekend after Thanksgiving
4. When do you take the tree down? Sometime after Christmas, usually before New Year.
5. Do you like egg nog? Ack - no!
6. Favorite gift received as a child? A wool sweater with ducks on it - just a special gift from my dad!
7. Do you have a nativity scene? um, I think about 8 of them. My favorite is a 40 year old one from the Philippenes that my mom gave me a few years ago.
8. Hardest person to buy for? Dad & Father in law
9.. Easiest person to buy for? My mom
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Polyester too short pj gown from Grandma when I was too old for it.
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? can't think of one...
13. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Can't think of one, but that doesn't mean I haven't...
14. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? FUDGE!!
15. Clear lights or colored on the tree? Clear
16. Favorite Christmas song? Hymns with an organ on Christmas eve
17. Travel at Christmas or stay home? last year we stayed home for Christmas and then went to MN in early Jan for 2nd Christmas, that was nice
18. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? I think so, but I won't put $$ on it.
19.. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas morning
20. Most annoying thing about this time of year? too many toy commercials aimed at the kids
21. Favorite thing about this time of year? getting to see my family, getting tickled about neat presents for people I love
22. Favorite ornament, theme, or color? I like the ones I got in Israel
23. What do you want for Christmas this year? hmm, maybe an ipod, some cool knitting gadgets?
24. Who will reply to this the quickest? ??
Monday, November 24, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
What a day!
So it's been a while and I won't bore you with all of the details, just the last few.
Busy busy weekend!
Friday we found out the location for Forefront. Can't say I'm excited to drive so far, but it is so obviously God's choice that I can't complain about it. I'm getting more and more excited about this new church! (except for the really sad part about missing my good friends - that part I just try not to think about much.)
Big shower on Saturday for some dear friends of mine who are finally having a baby after 2 years of trying and lots of procedures - I can't wait to meet this baby in just a few weeks!
Sunday was Celebration Sunday, I was pooped!
So, I slept for 12 hours last night - how great was that! But then Miss Katie decided that I hadn't had quite enough fun so she managed to get open a childproof bottle and brought me a handful of my rx meds! I freaked out, called poison control and then spent about 5 hours in the ER with her this afternoon! Happily, she's ok, I don't think she actually ate any of them but we wanted to be safe, just in case.
So there's my update! I have lots to do this week too but I'm starting most mornings with a quiet time and amazingly enough, that makes things so much better!
Love you all!
Busy busy weekend!
Friday we found out the location for Forefront. Can't say I'm excited to drive so far, but it is so obviously God's choice that I can't complain about it. I'm getting more and more excited about this new church! (except for the really sad part about missing my good friends - that part I just try not to think about much.)
Big shower on Saturday for some dear friends of mine who are finally having a baby after 2 years of trying and lots of procedures - I can't wait to meet this baby in just a few weeks!
Sunday was Celebration Sunday, I was pooped!
So, I slept for 12 hours last night - how great was that! But then Miss Katie decided that I hadn't had quite enough fun so she managed to get open a childproof bottle and brought me a handful of my rx meds! I freaked out, called poison control and then spent about 5 hours in the ER with her this afternoon! Happily, she's ok, I don't think she actually ate any of them but we wanted to be safe, just in case.
So there's my update! I have lots to do this week too but I'm starting most mornings with a quiet time and amazingly enough, that makes things so much better!
Love you all!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
So much of everything and yet nothing!
edit... (ok, I just read this through and it sounds way more negative than I am really feeling. I just have a bunch of things running around in my head and I threw them all onto 'paper' here so don't worry that I'm about to have a breakdown when you read this...)
Ok, ok. I have been the blog slacker too. There has been way too much going on in my life and yet at the same time it feels like a big pile of nothing!
Andrew's pooping on the potty pretty well now. He's enjoying school and those 4 hours 2x a week away from him are really great (but go really, really fast!)
Katie had a really bad fever this week and so I spent quite a few hours cuddling on the couch and trying to comfort her. Other than that, she is busy and getting a bit clingy to mom.
Aaron is working a lot, starting to realize that he has to dig into the business a bit more if he's really going to run it someday. He's enjoying it but he's tired when he comes home.
I'm tired. My house is a mess but I'm enjoying my kids more days than not :-) I have so much laundry I need to put away that I can't believe that we have clothes to wear! We're getting closer and closer to this church plant and it is kindof freaking me out! I'm knitting away on an ABC blanket for a dear friend and I am hating it - I have to make myself do it rather than the 10 other projects I want to work on because I know they'll love it and I have to get it done before the baby comes. And I'm wasting way too much time playing lego Batman on the wii and checking facebook.
How's that for an update? :-)
Oh, and we have to have to have to get a handle on our spending and our budget. We're making less than we ever have but we haven't adjusted our spending. My "close my eyes and cover my ears" way of dealing with it just isn't working on this one!
Ok, ok. I have been the blog slacker too. There has been way too much going on in my life and yet at the same time it feels like a big pile of nothing!
Andrew's pooping on the potty pretty well now. He's enjoying school and those 4 hours 2x a week away from him are really great (but go really, really fast!)
Katie had a really bad fever this week and so I spent quite a few hours cuddling on the couch and trying to comfort her. Other than that, she is busy and getting a bit clingy to mom.
Aaron is working a lot, starting to realize that he has to dig into the business a bit more if he's really going to run it someday. He's enjoying it but he's tired when he comes home.
I'm tired. My house is a mess but I'm enjoying my kids more days than not :-) I have so much laundry I need to put away that I can't believe that we have clothes to wear! We're getting closer and closer to this church plant and it is kindof freaking me out! I'm knitting away on an ABC blanket for a dear friend and I am hating it - I have to make myself do it rather than the 10 other projects I want to work on because I know they'll love it and I have to get it done before the baby comes. And I'm wasting way too much time playing lego Batman on the wii and checking facebook.
How's that for an update? :-)
Oh, and we have to have to have to get a handle on our spending and our budget. We're making less than we ever have but we haven't adjusted our spending. My "close my eyes and cover my ears" way of dealing with it just isn't working on this one!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
day 3...
yippee! What a big boy!! And a happy mom! Who knew I'd be having so many chats in small bathroom stalls hunkered down on the floor while thinking it's all good!?!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
2 days and IKEA!!!
I'm so excited I could just pee!!!
IKEA is coming IKEA is coming!!! Yep, they're going to build an IKEA just west of Park Meadows mall, down in my neck of the woods!!! No start date yet, but I'm content with just knowing that it is coming and I can watch it being built with my own little eyes!!! I've been squealling all morning like a little dorky girl!
AND! Andrew has going poop 2 days in a row on the potty and says he's going to today also. Yay!
Pretty good day for me!
IKEA is coming IKEA is coming!!! Yep, they're going to build an IKEA just west of Park Meadows mall, down in my neck of the woods!!! No start date yet, but I'm content with just knowing that it is coming and I can watch it being built with my own little eyes!!! I've been squealling all morning like a little dorky girl!
AND! Andrew has going poop 2 days in a row on the potty and says he's going to today also. Yay!
Pretty good day for me!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Andrew Update... (i know, tmi. but it's my blog!)
So we’ve taken away all of his big boy toys, underwear, video games, tv, etc. and as he has continued to poop in his pants, we asked him what else we were going to take away so he’s lost some books, his chair at the table (booster chair now) and finally Daddy went to his beloved pacifier (nuka). He would be sad about things for a few minutes and then seem to be ok. Until we got to the nuka. He was pretty upset when it came to bedtime and he didn’t get to have it, we talked it through while he cried so he totally understood why.
So we’ve had a few more poop sits the last few days and he’s even initiated a few (finally!). Yesterday he woke me up from my nap to tell me that he was sitting on the potty – yay!!! So he got some skittles when we went to the store to reward him for sitting on his own. We had a looong nap yesterday so he was still up late last night and about 11:15 he told me he had to pee and I told him ok, then he came back into my room and whispered in my ear… “mommy, mommy… I just went poop in the potty!” I flew out of bed to see and sure enough! That naked little boy had done it all by himself!!! There was a major happy dance in the middle of the night in our house last night!! We even woke up Daddy!
So he’s earned back some big boy privileges for today but he knows he has to earn them again for tomorrow. He already sat on the potty this morning on his own to make sure he didn’t have any poop and he says he’s really proud of himself.
I can't tell you how relieved and hopeful this mommy is today! I had a long thankful prayer last night about this boy and how he's finally seeming to turn the corner. I'm trying not to have my hopes up too high, but this is pretty darn exciting!!
So we’ve had a few more poop sits the last few days and he’s even initiated a few (finally!). Yesterday he woke me up from my nap to tell me that he was sitting on the potty – yay!!! So he got some skittles when we went to the store to reward him for sitting on his own. We had a looong nap yesterday so he was still up late last night and about 11:15 he told me he had to pee and I told him ok, then he came back into my room and whispered in my ear… “mommy, mommy… I just went poop in the potty!” I flew out of bed to see and sure enough! That naked little boy had done it all by himself!!! There was a major happy dance in the middle of the night in our house last night!! We even woke up Daddy!
So he’s earned back some big boy privileges for today but he knows he has to earn them again for tomorrow. He already sat on the potty this morning on his own to make sure he didn’t have any poop and he says he’s really proud of himself.
I can't tell you how relieved and hopeful this mommy is today! I had a long thankful prayer last night about this boy and how he's finally seeming to turn the corner. I'm trying not to have my hopes up too high, but this is pretty darn exciting!!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Where have you been???
Well, I've been MIA for a long time it seems!
Summer has just been racing along and now preschool starts on Thursday. Preschool??? How can I be ready for Preschool??? Now I have to get him there by 9, all dressed with a lunch and clean face and all? Whew, that will be a fun challenge!
Although this week is full of challenges. Since Andrew is STILL refusing to poop on the potty, we're going to treat him like a 2 year old until he decides to be a big boy. So all big boy toys are gone and all other big boy privileges. Fun for mom. This just has to work!
I had a great staff retreat weekend, very relaxing, interesting about the church plant (lots to think & pray about there...) and challenging to my walk. I'm also reading "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World" with my friend Laura which tied into the messages from this weekend.
"Come to Me, and I will give you rest" I really want that rest but He says COME to Me - I have to come to Him first. Sure seems like that there isn't time or energy to come to Him, but it is the only way to get that true rest. Doesn't make sense in my brain, but my soul longs for it. I can't even get to the next part about the yokes yet, I'm still processing the rest part :-)
Anyway, I love you all and have to be off, just wanted to fill in something here before I jump back on the roller coaster of life!
Summer has just been racing along and now preschool starts on Thursday. Preschool??? How can I be ready for Preschool??? Now I have to get him there by 9, all dressed with a lunch and clean face and all? Whew, that will be a fun challenge!
Although this week is full of challenges. Since Andrew is STILL refusing to poop on the potty, we're going to treat him like a 2 year old until he decides to be a big boy. So all big boy toys are gone and all other big boy privileges. Fun for mom. This just has to work!
I had a great staff retreat weekend, very relaxing, interesting about the church plant (lots to think & pray about there...) and challenging to my walk. I'm also reading "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World" with my friend Laura which tied into the messages from this weekend.
"Come to Me, and I will give you rest" I really want that rest but He says COME to Me - I have to come to Him first. Sure seems like that there isn't time or energy to come to Him, but it is the only way to get that true rest. Doesn't make sense in my brain, but my soul longs for it. I can't even get to the next part about the yokes yet, I'm still processing the rest part :-)
Anyway, I love you all and have to be off, just wanted to fill in something here before I jump back on the roller coaster of life!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Nadeen tagged me...
A - Attached or single: Attached. Happily!
B - Best Friend: Hmm, lots of really good ones! Maybe my mom??
C - Cake or Pie: I think cake, but I can't pass up a good chocolate pie!
D - Day of the Week: Saturday
E - Essential Item: cell phone,
F - Favorite Color: Blue
G - Gummi Bears or Gummi Worms: Bears if these are the choices. Cokes & Cherries are actually my favorite gummi's!
H - Hair Product: time to actually do my hair!
I - Indulgences: really nice yarn
J - January or July?: Actually I like May or Sept - I'm a cheater!
K - Kids: Andrew & Katie of course!
L - Life is incomplete without: good friends and lots of love
M - Marriage Date: April 13
N - Number of Siblings: 1 sister - Debbie
O - Oranges or Apples: Granny Smith Apples
P - Phobias or Fears: big snakes, my parents dying
Q - Quote: "The most important thing she's learned over the years was that there was no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one." Jill Churchill
R - Reason To Smile: Andrew & Katie playing together, or both playing with Dad in the back yard
S - Season: Spring AND Fall, I'm going with Nadeen on this one!!
T - Tag Three: Debbie, Amber, Kendra/Tina
U- Unknown fact about me: I was on the cover of a magazine. Um, I impeached a president? (of our sorority!)
V - Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: Definitely a carnivore!
W - Worst Habit: Not doing things right away
X - Rays or Ultrasounds: I'm going to choose neither!
Y - Your favorite food: Right now, the bison bolognese dish at Cafe Jordano, but I like lots of stuff!
Z - Zodiac Sign: Pisces
B - Best Friend: Hmm, lots of really good ones! Maybe my mom??
C - Cake or Pie: I think cake, but I can't pass up a good chocolate pie!
D - Day of the Week: Saturday
E - Essential Item: cell phone,
F - Favorite Color: Blue
G - Gummi Bears or Gummi Worms: Bears if these are the choices. Cokes & Cherries are actually my favorite gummi's!
H - Hair Product: time to actually do my hair!
I - Indulgences: really nice yarn
J - January or July?: Actually I like May or Sept - I'm a cheater!
K - Kids: Andrew & Katie of course!
L - Life is incomplete without: good friends and lots of love
M - Marriage Date: April 13
N - Number of Siblings: 1 sister - Debbie
O - Oranges or Apples: Granny Smith Apples
P - Phobias or Fears: big snakes, my parents dying
Q - Quote: "The most important thing she's learned over the years was that there was no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one." Jill Churchill
R - Reason To Smile: Andrew & Katie playing together, or both playing with Dad in the back yard
S - Season: Spring AND Fall, I'm going with Nadeen on this one!!
T - Tag Three: Debbie, Amber, Kendra/Tina
U- Unknown fact about me: I was on the cover of a magazine. Um, I impeached a president? (of our sorority!)
V - Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: Definitely a carnivore!
W - Worst Habit: Not doing things right away
X - Rays or Ultrasounds: I'm going to choose neither!
Y - Your favorite food: Right now, the bison bolognese dish at Cafe Jordano, but I like lots of stuff!
Z - Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Friday, July 11, 2008
Getting out of my funk!
So I've been in a bit of a funk lately. There's only so much mental energy you can focus on getting your boy to poop in the potty (although he has done it once so far - Happy Dances all around!!!) and then the let down after VBS busyness and traveling and a messy house and way too much laundry and Aaron working a lot has brought me down a bit. I haven't even had anything I want to knit!

So I'm working to get myself out of it now. I cleaned a bathroom, went to tae bo twice this week, I'm making Andrew pick up legos and I'm tackling laundry. AND I had some retail therapy in the form of yarn, books and pattern shopping online! So now I have 4-5 projects I can start on now or very soon! whee!!
I'll do this on in different colors...

And this one in the same blues.

Saturday, June 21, 2008
Nadeen inspired me to go ahead and blog about this.
My andrew is 3.5, he'll be 4 in August. He will not go poo in the potty. I've bribed, threatened, pleaded, cleaned out, everything and he will not go in the potty. We are seeing an elimination specialist so he's taking miralax, ex-lax & mineral oil & doing a poop sit in the afternoon & getting check marks towards a goal. he also knows he'll get a lego ship & indy motorcycle when he (ever) goes poo on the potty but nope, nothing. He (and I, I guess) have gotten lazy and he's back to wearing pull ups only because his poo is pretty much liquid so now he's not even pee'ing in the potty. ugh.
So today i decided no video game unless he wears undies. Which he did and proceeded to pee "just barely" on the couch and the floor. fun for mommy! I threatened to take away the game if he ever did it again AND put him in baby diapers instead of pullups and he promised it won't happen.
But I am just so stinking tired of this! Why won't this child poo in the potty?!?!? He has to go to prek in the fall!
Ok, rant over, off to get more things done and check on the couch.
My andrew is 3.5, he'll be 4 in August. He will not go poo in the potty. I've bribed, threatened, pleaded, cleaned out, everything and he will not go in the potty. We are seeing an elimination specialist so he's taking miralax, ex-lax & mineral oil & doing a poop sit in the afternoon & getting check marks towards a goal. he also knows he'll get a lego ship & indy motorcycle when he (ever) goes poo on the potty but nope, nothing. He (and I, I guess) have gotten lazy and he's back to wearing pull ups only because his poo is pretty much liquid so now he's not even pee'ing in the potty. ugh.
So today i decided no video game unless he wears undies. Which he did and proceeded to pee "just barely" on the couch and the floor. fun for mommy! I threatened to take away the game if he ever did it again AND put him in baby diapers instead of pullups and he promised it won't happen.
But I am just so stinking tired of this! Why won't this child poo in the potty?!?!? He has to go to prek in the fall!
Ok, rant over, off to get more things done and check on the couch.
post-VBS summer!
Ok, I can now begin my Post-VBS summer! I mentally divide the summer into pre- and post-VBS as it is such a huge event in my life and it is now done!!! It was a pretty good success this year I think - I'm worn out, my kids are all clingy and everyone had a good time.
But now it is time to let myself think past it and holy cow is there a lot left in the summer! And some of it is coming up quick!!! We leave for TX for a wedding this Wed and I am totally not ready - eek! Then we get to go to Grand Lake for a family vacation in July and then it will be August. yikes! I need to treasure these days and enjoy them instead of race through them and lose them all.
I guess post-vbs summer really = family summer! I like that!
But now it is time to let myself think past it and holy cow is there a lot left in the summer! And some of it is coming up quick!!! We leave for TX for a wedding this Wed and I am totally not ready - eek! Then we get to go to Grand Lake for a family vacation in July and then it will be August. yikes! I need to treasure these days and enjoy them instead of race through them and lose them all.
I guess post-vbs summer really = family summer! I like that!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Tae Bo Challenge Finale!!!
So I went to my ending measurement time for the tae bo mommy challenge today and while I won't be winning any free months, I am pretty darn proud of myself!!! I've lost 4lb, 22" and 5% body fat!!! I'm waiting to see what you other girls do - YAY for us!!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Halfway there with Tae Bo!
So we're officially halfway done with our 8 week Tae Bo challenge and I can tell that I'm doing better in the classes now. Although they are not going easy on us anymore so the classes are definitely harder! I did get Sonja to do my midpoint measurements and I've lost.... 12.75 inches so far!!! I'm totally impressed with myself!! I knew my jeans were fitting a bit better but it is pretty cool to have some numbers to back it up. I haven't lost any weight really, but inches are good! I'm curious to see how I do in the next 4 weeks - she won't do body fat until then and I really need to improve that for my health.
So - yay for me (and all of us doing this torture thing!)
So - yay for me (and all of us doing this torture thing!)
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Women's retreat
Ok, just a quick update on the retreat this weekend. It was awesome! What a privilege to spend time with such amazing ladies and friends! To be able to laugh and conquer fears and encourage and pray and listen and yell and eat and just be real is such a treat that we don't get very often and I enjoyed every minute of it!
Friday, April 11, 2008
tae bo update...
Well, I've made it to 3 classes now (#4 in about an hour!) and I haven't died yet! I'm waaaay out of shape so I have to go a bit slower than most of the class and DANG is it hard but I'm pretty proud of myself for keeping on with it!
Ok, gotta get ready for torture, I mean - tae bo!
Ok, gotta get ready for torture, I mean - tae bo!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Tae Bo mommy challenge!
Ok ladies! I went this morning to my assessment and intro class and I can't wait for you all to go! I'm actually embarassed by my body fat % so I definitely need to be doing this. I even came home and had Aaron take my picture with no shirt on so I can see the difference there. (notice I just said I there - no one will see that awful picture ever!!)
But anyway, the class totally kicked my butt! Deanne Cheek was there with me so we sweated together. You definitely need to do an intro to get a handle on what the different punches and kicks are. I'm a bit sore now but I think it is going to be really fun!
Thanks Nadeen for getting me into this! I'm looking forward to seeing how much progress I can make in the 8 weeks!
Oh - and Billy BLanks is totally a Christian and so are the teachers of the classes - very cool! He's all about working out the body and the spirit!
But anyway, the class totally kicked my butt! Deanne Cheek was there with me so we sweated together. You definitely need to do an intro to get a handle on what the different punches and kicks are. I'm a bit sore now but I think it is going to be really fun!
Thanks Nadeen for getting me into this! I'm looking forward to seeing how much progress I can make in the 8 weeks!
Oh - and Billy BLanks is totally a Christian and so are the teachers of the classes - very cool! He's all about working out the body and the spirit!
Ok! Ok! Here are my 5(ish) things!!!
5 things I can't live without under $5!
- Yarn. I see yarn on sale and I buy it. I might never use it but I have it and can look at it and touch it. If only all yarn was under $5!!
- Goodtimes spoonbenders! I can just about live without them but dang they are good!
- Flowers for my garden
- Lego's for Andrew - he loves them so much!
- anything on sale at Joanne's. I know I really can live without it but while I'm in the store with my coupon I lose touch with reality a bit and go a bit crazy.
5 favorite movies
- When Harry met Sally
- Shawshank Redemption
- hmmm, it's been so long since I saw any movies, I can't think of any more!
5 songs I could listen to over and over again
- Dancing Queen by ABBA (ok really the entire Mama Mia show album, that's my play it loud in the car by myself CD!)
- Baby now that I've found you - Alison Kraus
- Awesome God
- Veggie Tales Sunday Morning songs - not that a could, but I do listen to those over and over and over and over...
5 people who have had a positive influence in my life (just five???)
- My parents have taught me so much about being a successful person and a mom and a wife
- My husband keeps my out of my hole and helps me be a better person
- My kids keep me laughing and young and make me realize the small things in life are the really important things
- My jr high youth group leaders, Mark & Kirk, lived out their lessons more than they ever preached to us
- My pastor growing up was a real person and was so wising and loving and encouraged me to hold onto my morals
5 things in my purse I can't live without
- My cell phone - free long distance to my family
- My wallet
- My prescription glasses/sunglasses
- Katie and/or Andrew's nuka (pacifier)
- My happy pills (i just need to know they are there)
5 moments that changed my life forever
- The day I went off to college on my own
- In Israel when I realized that my bratty little sister was really a pretty cool person
- The day Aaron (finally!) proposed in Breckenridge
- When Andrew was born
- When Katie was born
5 current obsessions
- ravelry.com (a knitting show-off & pattern site)
- organizing & purging my house
- tae bo mommy challenge
- finishing my purple sweater
- starting my annuals from seeds
5 places I would love to travel
- Back to Israel to see the changes (& take Aaron!)
- Turkey
- Ireland
- Banff
- Canada to visit my favorite yarn people in person!
5 people who's top 5 I'd like to see
- Debbie (my sister)
- most everyone else is done!!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Thanks! & adventures in gardening
Thanks for your comments guys! I really am not all tied up by those should's (ok, maybe just a bit... :-) ), I was just really surprised at how many are lurking in my brain! I'm so good at telling other people not to get worked up about them, but I'm not so good at telling myself.
We talked this week about finding that place between perfection and overwhelmed and how that place isn't failure and is really a good place to be. That really makes sense to me and as I've been trying to practice, has given me a good sense of accomplishment. Yay!
but I still want to dress my kids - especially my girl - in the cutest clothes of anyone... too bad those darn Ferry & Beckett girls are sooo dang cute!!
So the adventure of the week is growing my own annuals to plant in my garden and patio pots. I got these trays and peat pellets and some seed packets and started 144 of them last Monday. I expected to wait at least a week or so before anything started growing but I had shoots by WEDNESDAY!!! Now I'm hooked. I got another tray and replacement pellets and a bunch more seeds today at Home Depot and I'm all ready to start another group of them. I'm totally saving $$ on all the plants I would buy for the pots from the nurseries and I'm all tickled with myself. Of course I'll be out of flat, warm but not too sunny locations here pretty darn soon and then what will I do with myself?!? I'm going to be the crazy knitting seedling lady!!
We talked this week about finding that place between perfection and overwhelmed and how that place isn't failure and is really a good place to be. That really makes sense to me and as I've been trying to practice, has given me a good sense of accomplishment. Yay!
but I still want to dress my kids - especially my girl - in the cutest clothes of anyone... too bad those darn Ferry & Beckett girls are sooo dang cute!!
So the adventure of the week is growing my own annuals to plant in my garden and patio pots. I got these trays and peat pellets and some seed packets and started 144 of them last Monday. I expected to wait at least a week or so before anything started growing but I had shoots by WEDNESDAY!!! Now I'm hooked. I got another tray and replacement pellets and a bunch more seeds today at Home Depot and I'm all ready to start another group of them. I'm totally saving $$ on all the plants I would buy for the pots from the nurseries and I'm all tickled with myself. Of course I'll be out of flat, warm but not too sunny locations here pretty darn soon and then what will I do with myself?!? I'm going to be the crazy knitting seedling lady!!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
I've been thinking about all the "should's" in my life. I like to think that I don't have that many of them bothering me, but I've been helping out a friend of a friend with some practice counseling and I'm finding there's lots of them wandering around in my brain! And how many of them are just super big lies!!!
I should have a super clean house like my mom & mother in law. I should buy my kids lots of toys so they'll be happy. I should make them cute sweaters and stuff and dress them in cute clothes so people think I'm a good mom. I should be doing more for the church because Kim does so much. I should be keeping better track of our budget (well that's a really good should.) I should have a quiet time every day (another good one.) and lots of others...
so then the next step is how to balance all the should's into real life and realistic expectations of myself and my family. without getting all overwhelmed.
How do you all manage those should's???
I should have a super clean house like my mom & mother in law. I should buy my kids lots of toys so they'll be happy. I should make them cute sweaters and stuff and dress them in cute clothes so people think I'm a good mom. I should be doing more for the church because Kim does so much. I should be keeping better track of our budget (well that's a really good should.) I should have a quiet time every day (another good one.) and lots of others...
so then the next step is how to balance all the should's into real life and realistic expectations of myself and my family. without getting all overwhelmed.
How do you all manage those should's???
Monday, March 3, 2008
Tina is Drew...
Ok, so I watched most of the show the actor's studio today and Drew Barrymore was on and I finally figured out who my good friend Tina reminds me of!!! Not the drugs & alcohol & swearing Drew, but the funny and self-confident and thinking she's a dork and successful and beautiful and all of that stuff. The big smile and that she's not all full of herself and that she thinks women can do it all but not at the expense of men - all of it really reminded me of Tina.
So there Tina! I love you girl!
So there Tina! I love you girl!
I'm out of the shed for now!
I am out of the shed! I can't say I won't go back, but it is a bit chilly there with no windows and all. It has been a better week with Andrew, I've really been trying to focus attention on just him and it seems to be working pretty well. We still have our moments, but nothing like last week's screaming fits. So that's a relief!
I read a great book called "Restoring Order to your Home" by Vicki Norris and I'm really trying to put some of her ideas into practice in my house. I'd LOVE to have 2-3 days at a time to blitz some of my rooms and get them totally organized but since that's not going to happen, I'm chipping away at them and getting some processes working to get my life better organized. I just really liked some of her ideas. Like, organizing does not mean tidying. And most homes need a household hub to manage all of the paper that comes in and usually ends up in piles all over the place (hello! this is my house!!!) And, best of all, I'm not alone! I've already started a pile for goodwill in the garage of some of the easy stuff that has just been sitting in my house taking up needless room.
What else... my mom is coming next week for Katie's birthday - yea! I finally figured out insurance for us. The snow is great for all of my bulbs that are coming up in my tea party garden. And I finally got my ikea light hung up and I love it so much I'm having mom bring me another one to hang on Aaron's side of the bed!
I read a great book called "Restoring Order to your Home" by Vicki Norris and I'm really trying to put some of her ideas into practice in my house. I'd LOVE to have 2-3 days at a time to blitz some of my rooms and get them totally organized but since that's not going to happen, I'm chipping away at them and getting some processes working to get my life better organized. I just really liked some of her ideas. Like, organizing does not mean tidying. And most homes need a household hub to manage all of the paper that comes in and usually ends up in piles all over the place (hello! this is my house!!!) And, best of all, I'm not alone! I've already started a pile for goodwill in the garage of some of the easy stuff that has just been sitting in my house taking up needless room.
What else... my mom is coming next week for Katie's birthday - yea! I finally figured out insurance for us. The snow is great for all of my bulbs that are coming up in my tea party garden. And I finally got my ikea light hung up and I love it so much I'm having mom bring me another one to hang on Aaron's side of the bed!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Can I hide in the shed???
I haven't posted lately because I'm not sure I wouldn't be just whining! Because that's all I'm hearing from my beloved oldest son. Whining, crying, screaming - you name it. Almost an hour this morning because he didn't want to change clothes. 30 minutes yesterday because he didn't want to take off his seat belt and then didn't want to put on his shoes. Kicking and screaming into his room to take a nap. On and on for the last few days. My last nerve is shot.
It is quiet right now with both of them sleeping so I'm trying to regain a bit of sanity.
Aaron should be home soon to change for an interview. He's wrapped up in his brain about what to do for a job next and $$ and all that stuff. I think enjoying what he does more days than not is more important than making a few extra dollars. I think he would agree but he's off of the rational boat at the moment and needs to get his head straight again. Pray for us please!
At least I have bulbs starting to come up in my garden and that makes me very happy and hopeful for spring! I'm hanging on where I can!
Thank you my friends!
It is quiet right now with both of them sleeping so I'm trying to regain a bit of sanity.
Aaron should be home soon to change for an interview. He's wrapped up in his brain about what to do for a job next and $$ and all that stuff. I think enjoying what he does more days than not is more important than making a few extra dollars. I think he would agree but he's off of the rational boat at the moment and needs to get his head straight again. Pray for us please!
At least I have bulbs starting to come up in my garden and that makes me very happy and hopeful for spring! I'm hanging on where I can!
Thank you my friends!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Insurance Schminsurance!!!
Bleh! I do not like trying to get individual insurance. Everything's fine talking to the rep until - oh, your husband has sleep apnia? And he's how tall, and weighs how much? ooooh, that's not so good, we can't insure him. but you can call this state agency and they'll take him.
bleh. i guess at least there is somewhere that will insure us all and for cheaper than cobra but this is really a pain!
I think I need to go knit for a while!
bleh. i guess at least there is somewhere that will insure us all and for cheaper than cobra but this is really a pain!
I think I need to go knit for a while!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Being sick sucks
But thank God for husbands!
So today I think I just might live. I had a cough all weekend which all of a sudden blew into a huge head cold on Sunday. Yesterday my sweet little boy spent the whole day watching tv while I fed Katie and slept off and on. Then Aaron came home from his first day being an electrician for his dad and took care of us all. What a relief!
So today I think I just might live. I had a cough all weekend which all of a sudden blew into a huge head cold on Sunday. Yesterday my sweet little boy spent the whole day watching tv while I fed Katie and slept off and on. Then Aaron came home from his first day being an electrician for his dad and took care of us all. What a relief!
Friday, February 1, 2008
Sorry! to clarify - my birthday isn't until 2/20 - I just have figured out that I can get my own present at this creative festival and Aaron's life is easier and I get what I really like. It is less of a surprise on the day but it works for us! and this year my mom said I could find a present from her there too!
Anyway, we're off to the wildlife experience with the kids today, Andrew is very excited that Daddy is home so we're treasuring a day off. (looking for the blessings in this!!)
Anyway, we're off to the wildlife experience with the kids today, Andrew is very excited that Daddy is home so we're treasuring a day off. (looking for the blessings in this!!)
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Bad & Good news
Well, Aaron did get laid off today. It is effective today although they gave him a fairly good package & insurance through Feb. He's going to work for his Dad starting Monday so we should be fine and just have to tighten up a bit $$ wise - which we needed to do anyway! I think it will all turn out better in the long run but it is unsettling for now.
It has been a tough day communication wise though, I was hurt that A didn't come to me right away and I had to learn things about it from other people. He wanted me to have a fun time at the Creative Festival and was taking it on himself. I reminded him that we're a team in this life and what happens to him affects me too, so we're going to work on getting better at that.
So i did find some gorgeous sweater kits that I bought my self for my birthday today but i'm pretty worn out emotionally. I'm itching to wind my yarn on my fancy ball winder and get to knitting but I'm just too tired to do it so I'll have to wait for another day.
I really do appreciate all of you who prayed and called and posted here!!! What would I do without you all???
It has been a tough day communication wise though, I was hurt that A didn't come to me right away and I had to learn things about it from other people. He wanted me to have a fun time at the Creative Festival and was taking it on himself. I reminded him that we're a team in this life and what happens to him affects me too, so we're going to work on getting better at that.
So i did find some gorgeous sweater kits that I bought my self for my birthday today but i'm pretty worn out emotionally. I'm itching to wind my yarn on my fancy ball winder and get to knitting but I'm just too tired to do it so I'll have to wait for another day.
I really do appreciate all of you who prayed and called and posted here!!! What would I do without you all???
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Prayer please
Hi friends.
it was a long, tough day today with the memorial service and then a long day helping clean up and get ready for awanas. then a mix up with cubbies & I had to miss our Bible study outing. So i'm pretty tired and then Aaron just let me know that there's a fairly good chance he'll get laid off tomorrow. Not sure if that is being paranoid or not. Anyway, it is an unsettling though for me at the least. He can go be an electrician for his dad so we're not on the streets or anything, but it is a lot for me to bear right now.
i need some prayer and strength please.
it was a long, tough day today with the memorial service and then a long day helping clean up and get ready for awanas. then a mix up with cubbies & I had to miss our Bible study outing. So i'm pretty tired and then Aaron just let me know that there's a fairly good chance he'll get laid off tomorrow. Not sure if that is being paranoid or not. Anyway, it is an unsettling though for me at the least. He can go be an electrician for his dad so we're not on the streets or anything, but it is a lot for me to bear right now.
i need some prayer and strength please.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Hmm, not really much to share this morning. Nothing deep or especially meaningful. Just figured it was time to update here. I'm really just avoiding catching up on Quicken. I'm way behind, acutally waaaaay behind on entering receipts and reconciling my accounts (like July way behind) and I want to get caught up before I do my taxes so I don't miss any deductions. But what I really want to do, besides surf the web for nothing, is work on my funny felted snowmen. But I'm cracking down to work here for an hour - just an hour! I can do that!
Love to all my friends here!!! The memorial service this week reminds me to hug on my kids and my other loved ones as much as possible - you really do mean a lot to me! (ok, so maybe a bit of meaningful stuff.)
Love to all my friends here!!! The memorial service this week reminds me to hug on my kids and my other loved ones as much as possible - you really do mean a lot to me! (ok, so maybe a bit of meaningful stuff.)
Monday, January 21, 2008
Home again!
Well, our trip was really great except that Katie was really sick the whole time. Poor thing was just miserable but still was as cheerful as she could be. What a neat girl we've been blessed with! It was really great visting with Mom & Dad and my sister & her family! I got some neat Christmas presents and got to give mine out so that was lots of fun. I went to town at the knit shop near mom's house and loaded up on some really fun projects - wheeee! And we went to Ikea and only spent $55! That's pretty good for us! I just love that darn store - I really hope the rumors are true that it is coming here!
So now we're back and the weather is grey and yucky and my sinuses hurt and no one's taking care of me and I'm having a tough time not having a big ol' pity party. AND I'm having my period. Boo for me! Why is it so tough to be a mom and a woman sometimes??? I know I'm so blessed but I just can't get past the blues and the mountain of things I need to get done just to get by every day. Maybe someday one of us will figure it all out. :-) sure!
In the meantime I'll just keep knitting cute sweaters for Katie and funny felted snowmen!
Love you all!!
So now we're back and the weather is grey and yucky and my sinuses hurt and no one's taking care of me and I'm having a tough time not having a big ol' pity party. AND I'm having my period. Boo for me! Why is it so tough to be a mom and a woman sometimes??? I know I'm so blessed but I just can't get past the blues and the mountain of things I need to get done just to get by every day. Maybe someday one of us will figure it all out. :-) sure!
In the meantime I'll just keep knitting cute sweaters for Katie and funny felted snowmen!
Love you all!!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Traveling today!
I love to travel but I hate getting ready. I get all anxious and my tummy gets all rumbly. Once I'm on the plane and settled and we're not going to miss it then I'm just fine. Until then, though, I'm a bit of a basket case. I do finally have some pretty darn great drugs I can take that really take the edge off. We call them the Happy Pills and they really really are! I'm trying to hold off taking one as long as I can though so I don't fall asleep before I get all packed. What a dork I am!! I have like 14 things to do in the next 2.5 hours and here I am blogging :-)
Please pray for a calm flight there & back for the kids, Katie seems to be either teething or coming down with something. It will be a great week with my family once we are there though!
Ok, now I'm off to wash the stinky dog so my in-laws don't hate us forever!
Please pray for a calm flight there & back for the kids, Katie seems to be either teething or coming down with something. It will be a great week with my family once we are there though!
Ok, now I'm off to wash the stinky dog so my in-laws don't hate us forever!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
day 2 of potty training
Oh, today was day 2 of potty training (day 1 was a couple of days ago, but still this week). Got some toy story undies at the Disney store on sale that Andrew thinks are cool. Made it all morning without an accident & actually went pee pee on the potty (yea!) but then he was wet when he came down for lunch. Oh well. I guess it is good progress. Tomorrow we're going out so we'll just try undies for a little while in the morning.
Yep, I'm bored. I finally boxed up presents and too small clothes to send to MN and I need more packing tape. I should wake up the kids and make dinner but nothing sounds good. I didn't even have lunch until 3:30 because nothing sounded good then either. I could quilt but my bottom 2 fingers are all poked and it doesn't sound interesting. I have some socks I could knit on but I'm at the heel so I have to think too much to work on them. I should enter receipts into quicken or update my teacher schedule for this quarter but nope. Aaron's at a building meeting at church so who knows when he'll be home, hopefully soon.
I've been pretty much wasting time today doing nothing because I just can't get myself going and I'm totally unmotivated. I feel like a kid whining to mom that I'm boooooored! Bleh.
At least Kendra's coming by soon to get me out. And I have plenty to do tomorrow so I won't be a slug for two days in a row. Then I'd be having a pity party too! :-)
I've been pretty much wasting time today doing nothing because I just can't get myself going and I'm totally unmotivated. I feel like a kid whining to mom that I'm boooooored! Bleh.
At least Kendra's coming by soon to get me out. And I have plenty to do tomorrow so I won't be a slug for two days in a row. Then I'd be having a pity party too! :-)
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