A - Attached or single: Attached. Happily!
B - Best Friend: Hmm, lots of really good ones! Maybe my mom??
C - Cake or Pie: I think cake, but I can't pass up a good chocolate pie!
D - Day of the Week: Saturday
E - Essential Item: cell phone,
F - Favorite Color: Blue
G - Gummi Bears or Gummi Worms: Bears if these are the choices. Cokes & Cherries are actually my favorite gummi's!
H - Hair Product: time to actually do my hair!
I - Indulgences: really nice yarn
J - January or July?: Actually I like May or Sept - I'm a cheater!
K - Kids: Andrew & Katie of course!
L - Life is incomplete without: good friends and lots of love
M - Marriage Date: April 13
N - Number of Siblings: 1 sister - Debbie
O - Oranges or Apples: Granny Smith Apples
P - Phobias or Fears: big snakes, my parents dying
Q - Quote: "The most important thing she's learned over the years was that there was no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one." Jill Churchill
R - Reason To Smile: Andrew & Katie playing together, or both playing with Dad in the back yard
S - Season: Spring AND Fall, I'm going with Nadeen on this one!!
T - Tag Three: Debbie, Amber, Kendra/Tina
U- Unknown fact about me: I was on the cover of a magazine. Um, I impeached a president? (of our sorority!)
V - Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: Definitely a carnivore!
W - Worst Habit: Not doing things right away
X - Rays or Ultrasounds: I'm going to choose neither!
Y - Your favorite food: Right now, the bison bolognese dish at Cafe Jordano, but I like lots of stuff!
Z - Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
Getting out of my funk!
So I've been in a bit of a funk lately. There's only so much mental energy you can focus on getting your boy to poop in the potty (although he has done it once so far - Happy Dances all around!!!) and then the let down after VBS busyness and traveling and a messy house and way too much laundry and Aaron working a lot has brought me down a bit. I haven't even had anything I want to knit!

So I'm working to get myself out of it now. I cleaned a bathroom, went to tae bo twice this week, I'm making Andrew pick up legos and I'm tackling laundry. AND I had some retail therapy in the form of yarn, books and pattern shopping online! So now I have 4-5 projects I can start on now or very soon! whee!!
I'll do this on in different colors...

And this one in the same blues.

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