So with our church (and my work) move from Lakewood and Forefront, we have to find another church home. Both for the kids to have friends in our area and for me to have women (and adult) friends close to home as well. We have found a great contender in Journey Church! Very near to home, kids like it, we like the teaching... We went to the info/new member meeting this last Sunday and were very impressed with their background, vision and focus for the future! We are going to give it a few more weeks before we jump in to become members but it is great to have found a place we think we could belong.
Saturday was the kick-off of the summer reading program at our library and my super reading guy made sure that we attended! He's already been reading a bunch this summer and he really wants the prizes :-) They had a little show that he got pulled up for - he was a hippo! She went on the parade afterwards with a friend.
So then we come to the dreaded swim lessons... The kids are fairly comfortable in the pool, we've been 2-3 times this summer already but they really need to learn to float and strokes and all so I signed them up but didn't tell them where we were going until we were in the car. The boy cried all the way there, had to carry him in, wouldn't get into the water until the last 5 minutes when I bribed him with hockey cards. The girl did pretty well, wouldn't go under, but tried hard on everything else.
Then today (day 2) the boy was watching the clock all morning to make sure that we didn't leave a minute too late because he was all excited. Both kids did everything the teachers asked and had a great time - goobers!
LOVE the goggle eyes! |
Strawberries from my garden - captured before the bunnies got them!! |