my funny family

my funny family

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Women's retreat

Ok, just a quick update on the retreat this weekend. It was awesome! What a privilege to spend time with such amazing ladies and friends! To be able to laugh and conquer fears and encourage and pray and listen and yell and eat and just be real is such a treat that we don't get very often and I enjoyed every minute of it!

Friday, April 11, 2008

tae bo update...

Well, I've made it to 3 classes now (#4 in about an hour!) and I haven't died yet! I'm waaaay out of shape so I have to go a bit slower than most of the class and DANG is it hard but I'm pretty proud of myself for keeping on with it!
Ok, gotta get ready for torture, I mean - tae bo!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Tae Bo mommy challenge!

Ok ladies! I went this morning to my assessment and intro class and I can't wait for you all to go! I'm actually embarassed by my body fat % so I definitely need to be doing this. I even came home and had Aaron take my picture with no shirt on so I can see the difference there. (notice I just said I there - no one will see that awful picture ever!!)
But anyway, the class totally kicked my butt! Deanne Cheek was there with me so we sweated together. You definitely need to do an intro to get a handle on what the different punches and kicks are. I'm a bit sore now but I think it is going to be really fun!
Thanks Nadeen for getting me into this! I'm looking forward to seeing how much progress I can make in the 8 weeks!
Oh - and Billy BLanks is totally a Christian and so are the teachers of the classes - very cool! He's all about working out the body and the spirit!

Ok! Ok! Here are my 5(ish) things!!!

5 things I can't live without under $5!

  1. Yarn. I see yarn on sale and I buy it. I might never use it but I have it and can look at it and touch it. If only all yarn was under $5!!
  2. Goodtimes spoonbenders! I can just about live without them but dang they are good!
  3. Flowers for my garden
  4. Lego's for Andrew - he loves them so much!
  5. anything on sale at Joanne's. I know I really can live without it but while I'm in the store with my coupon I lose touch with reality a bit and go a bit crazy.

5 favorite movies

  1. When Harry met Sally
  2. Shawshank Redemption
  3. hmmm, it's been so long since I saw any movies, I can't think of any more!

5 songs I could listen to over and over again

  1. Dancing Queen by ABBA (ok really the entire Mama Mia show album, that's my play it loud in the car by myself CD!)
  2. Baby now that I've found you - Alison Kraus
  3. Awesome God
  4. Veggie Tales Sunday Morning songs - not that a could, but I do listen to those over and over and over and over...

5 people who have had a positive influence in my life (just five???)

  1. My parents have taught me so much about being a successful person and a mom and a wife
  2. My husband keeps my out of my hole and helps me be a better person
  3. My kids keep me laughing and young and make me realize the small things in life are the really important things
  4. My jr high youth group leaders, Mark & Kirk, lived out their lessons more than they ever preached to us
  5. My pastor growing up was a real person and was so wising and loving and encouraged me to hold onto my morals

5 things in my purse I can't live without

  1. My cell phone - free long distance to my family
  2. My wallet
  3. My prescription glasses/sunglasses
  4. Katie and/or Andrew's nuka (pacifier)
  5. My happy pills (i just need to know they are there)

5 moments that changed my life forever

  1. The day I went off to college on my own
  2. In Israel when I realized that my bratty little sister was really a pretty cool person
  3. The day Aaron (finally!) proposed in Breckenridge
  4. When Andrew was born
  5. When Katie was born

5 current obsessions

  1. (a knitting show-off & pattern site)
  2. organizing & purging my house
  3. tae bo mommy challenge
  4. finishing my purple sweater
  5. starting my annuals from seeds

5 places I would love to travel

  1. Back to Israel to see the changes (& take Aaron!)
  2. Turkey
  3. Ireland
  4. Banff
  5. Canada to visit my favorite yarn people in person!

5 people who's top 5 I'd like to see

  1. Debbie (my sister)
  2. most everyone else is done!!