my funny family

my funny family

Monday, December 31, 2007

Christmas, Potty Training & New Year's Resolutions...

It was a great Christmas after all! Andrew had a blast opening gifts and Katie loved playing with all of the paper. Dinner was really yummy and we all really enjoyed ourselves. All the snow was fun and gave us a good excuse to not do too much of anything. I liked having Aaron home an extra day & a half too.
And a nice surprise overnight visit from Mom & Dad courtesy of United Airlines pushing their layover in Denver from 4 hours to 5, thus missing their connection to Hawaii! I love having them around and it was a great unexpected evening with them!
We got Katie's hip x-ray results back and they are normal! We were pretty sure they would be but wanted to check just in case - she's not standing at all and sits with her legs so wide. Anyway, that's a bit of a relief.
That's that last week in very short review...

Today I've decided we're going to work on potty training. So Andrew is wearing big boy underwear and we're going to the potty often. This is our 3rd or 4th try at getting out of diapers but the first one at going straight to underwear. I'm hoping it might actually work! He pee'd through the first pair after only about 30 minutes but we're in pair #2 for about an hour now. I really really really want to be done with diapers for one kid!!!

I have 2 New Year's Resolutions this year:
1. Cut down on frivolous spending. Especially for the kids!
2. Get into church more often. More often than never should be easy but I really need to do it.
So you all, my friends, can (lovingly please) help me to do these. I've struggled with them this year and really want to focus on getting better.


Kendra said...

AMEN sister!!! I want to have one not pee peeing or pooping in his pants!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for blogging! I was going through some serious withdrawals this last week. :-) Good luck with that potty training thing. I remember it as one of the most frustrating seasons of motherhood thus far. Super fun.