my funny family

my funny family

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Tae Bo mommy challenge!

Ok ladies! I went this morning to my assessment and intro class and I can't wait for you all to go! I'm actually embarassed by my body fat % so I definitely need to be doing this. I even came home and had Aaron take my picture with no shirt on so I can see the difference there. (notice I just said I there - no one will see that awful picture ever!!)
But anyway, the class totally kicked my butt! Deanne Cheek was there with me so we sweated together. You definitely need to do an intro to get a handle on what the different punches and kicks are. I'm a bit sore now but I think it is going to be really fun!
Thanks Nadeen for getting me into this! I'm looking forward to seeing how much progress I can make in the 8 weeks!
Oh - and Billy BLanks is totally a Christian and so are the teachers of the classes - very cool! He's all about working out the body and the spirit!


Kendra said...

Well, I won't be in class with you, but I do my dvd at home and be with you in spirit. Now we will both be getting our butts kicked...

Anonymous said...

I did the Old School workout yesterday afternoon and all I can say is "Wwwwaaaahhhhhhh, I want my mommy" Oh my gosh, it hurt SO BAD!!! We were using hand weights, doing crunches and sit-ups and all that jazz and my body was screaming mad at me. I hurt instantly. I hurt worse today. I am SO OUT OF SHAPE! This is good for me. (I keep telling my sore self that)