my funny family

my funny family

Saturday, June 21, 2008

post-VBS summer!

Ok, I can now begin my Post-VBS summer! I mentally divide the summer into pre- and post-VBS as it is such a huge event in my life and it is now done!!! It was a pretty good success this year I think - I'm worn out, my kids are all clingy and everyone had a good time.
But now it is time to let myself think past it and holy cow is there a lot left in the summer! And some of it is coming up quick!!! We leave for TX for a wedding this Wed and I am totally not ready - eek! Then we get to go to Grand Lake for a family vacation in July and then it will be August. yikes! I need to treasure these days and enjoy them instead of race through them and lose them all.
I guess post-vbs summer really = family summer! I like that!

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