my funny family

my funny family

Monday, March 3, 2008

I'm out of the shed for now!

I am out of the shed! I can't say I won't go back, but it is a bit chilly there with no windows and all. It has been a better week with Andrew, I've really been trying to focus attention on just him and it seems to be working pretty well. We still have our moments, but nothing like last week's screaming fits. So that's a relief!

I read a great book called "Restoring Order to your Home" by Vicki Norris and I'm really trying to put some of her ideas into practice in my house. I'd LOVE to have 2-3 days at a time to blitz some of my rooms and get them totally organized but since that's not going to happen, I'm chipping away at them and getting some processes working to get my life better organized. I just really liked some of her ideas. Like, organizing does not mean tidying. And most homes need a household hub to manage all of the paper that comes in and usually ends up in piles all over the place (hello! this is my house!!!) And, best of all, I'm not alone! I've already started a pile for goodwill in the garage of some of the easy stuff that has just been sitting in my house taking up needless room.

What else... my mom is coming next week for Katie's birthday - yea! I finally figured out insurance for us. The snow is great for all of my bulbs that are coming up in my tea party garden. And I finally got my ikea light hung up and I love it so much I'm having mom bring me another one to hang on Aaron's side of the bed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad you're out of the shed Meatball. I hate to think of you out there shivering. :-) My girls are currently fighting with each other over a stupid rocking chair. Will the madness ever stop? Can I come stay in your shed?