my funny family

my funny family

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Thanks! & adventures in gardening

Thanks for your comments guys! I really am not all tied up by those should's (ok, maybe just a bit... :-) ), I was just really surprised at how many are lurking in my brain! I'm so good at telling other people not to get worked up about them, but I'm not so good at telling myself.
We talked this week about finding that place between perfection and overwhelmed and how that place isn't failure and is really a good place to be. That really makes sense to me and as I've been trying to practice, has given me a good sense of accomplishment. Yay!
but I still want to dress my kids - especially my girl - in the cutest clothes of anyone... too bad those darn Ferry & Beckett girls are sooo dang cute!!

So the adventure of the week is growing my own annuals to plant in my garden and patio pots. I got these trays and peat pellets and some seed packets and started 144 of them last Monday. I expected to wait at least a week or so before anything started growing but I had shoots by WEDNESDAY!!! Now I'm hooked. I got another tray and replacement pellets and a bunch more seeds today at Home Depot and I'm all ready to start another group of them. I'm totally saving $$ on all the plants I would buy for the pots from the nurseries and I'm all tickled with myself. Of course I'll be out of flat, warm but not too sunny locations here pretty darn soon and then what will I do with myself?!? I'm going to be the crazy knitting seedling lady!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh girlfriend. I think we all get caught up in "shoulds". Thanks for being so vulnerable and honest with us blogger-friends. :-) It eases my heart to know I'm not the only one that struggles. But mamarach is absolutely right - and it was a good reminder - what "shoulds" does God want from me? And ultimately His grace covers all the times I can't fulfill His "shoulds". :-) Isn't He great?!!!

As for the plants...I totally know that good feeling! Mags and I planted our first bulbs ever last fall (tulips) and they've been coming up this week. It's such a great feeling. And so fun to watch. Now can you come over and teach me your seedling method? Cuz I'm tired of buying annuals every year!

Love you.